Is RUST FREE Stainless Steel GRIT with high durability and good aggressive blasting action.
It is ANGULAR in shape, and maintains its shape during the blasting process.
It is a cost effective REPLACEMENT product for Oxide blasting operations, especially where blasting is undertaken in a blast room.
The MAIN APPLICATIONS are the Cleaning, De-burring, Surface Preparation and Finishing of:
- Aluminium Castings, Forgings and Extrusions.
- Natural Stone and Concrete - Surface Texturing.
- Shot Blasting of Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys.
- Zinc Pressure Die Castings.
- Stainless Steel Castings and Forgings.
- Stainless Steel Structures.
DESCALING OF STEEL - is an acid pickling replacement.
Product Specification Sheet
Stainless Grit - Sigma Delta Grit
DELTA Stainless Grit is specially processed to obtain a Hardness and Microstructure that is
consistent with aggressive cleaning/blasting action while at the same time obtaining a high
level of toughness and durability.
This process of manufacture ensures a highly recyclable product that is cost effective when
compared to alternative materials and to products like Aluminum Oxide and Garnet.